Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pedro: The blog!

Michael Barnum (not pictured) has been a longtime contributor to this blog by way of his always helpful and informative comments, not to mention the many sage film recommendations he's generously beamed my way over the past months. More importantly, he is an accomplished writer on the subject of world cult cinema, having leant his journalistic talents to such esteemed publications as Video Watchdog and FilmFax. These qualifications and others have had a lot of us blogger types wondering why the heck Michael hasn't staked out his own little bit of turf in the blogosphere. Well, now we need wonder no more. Behold Michael's inspiredly-named Pedro (The Ape Bomb) Blog, by which he will be sharing with us sun-avoidant monitor jockeys his exhaustive knowledge of B movies from Bollywood and beyond. Welcome to the fold, Michael. One of us! One of us!


Michael Barnum said...

Wow, thanks Todd, and thanks for being such a great inspiration! It is always a joy for me to find others who share a wacky kind of love for the obscure and the unusual in motion picture entertainment, and when I first saw your blog it was like nirvana for me. For me, a day without a Die, Danger, Die, Die Kill blog-post is like a day withoug sunshine!

Todd said...

Thanks, Michael. I've been told that I'm a lot like the sun, in that I'm hard to look at directly and can be toxic if exposed to for prolonged periods. I'm sure they meant it in a nice way.

Michael Barnum said...

Toxic or not, you put a swell shot of our favorite simian in today's blog so that makes you a god in my book.

memsaab said...

Amen to that!